The beauty of the Taman sari in yogyakarta

Taman Sari Yogyakarta or Taman Sari Yogyakarta Palace is the site of the former park or garden palace of Yogyakarta Palace, which can be compared with the Bogor Botanical Gardens Bogor Palace gardens. This garden was built in the days of Sultan lane I (HB I) in the years 1758-1765/9. Initially, the park is the title of "The Fragrant Garden" has an area of ​​more than 10 hectares with around 57 buildings in the form of buildings, swimming baths, a suspension bridge, canal water, and artificial lakes and man-made islands and underwater tunnel. Gardens are used effectively between 1765-1812 was originally stretched from southwest to southeast Kedhaton complex Magangan complex. But today, the remnants of the Taman Sari, which can be seen only in the southwestern complex Kedhaton only.  That said, Taman Sari was built in the former palace of the old, Pesanggrahan Garjitawati, which was founded by His Majesty Pakubuwono II as a resting place that will train a horse go to Imogiri. As head of development projects instituted Tumenggung Mangundipuro Taman Sari. The entire development cost borne by the Regent Madison, Tumenggung Prawirosentiko, besrta all of his people. Therefore Madiun area exempt from taxation. In the midst of the leadership development project was taken over by Prince Notokusumo, after Mangundipuro resigned. Although officially a royal garden, but bebrapa existing buildings indicates Taman Sari serves as the last bastion if the palace was attacked by the enemy. It is said that one of the architects of this garden was a Portuguese royal better known as the Demat Tegis.  Taman Sari least complex can be divided into 4 sections. The first part is an artificial lake which lies to the west. The next section is a building located in the south of the artificial lake, among others, the Baths Bannerman Binangun. The third part is Pasarean Ledok Sari and Outdoor Garjitawati located in the southern part of the second. The last part is the eastern part of the first and second and extends eastward to southeastern Magangan complex.

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