Baron Beautiful Beach In Yogyakarta

Baron Beach is one of the leading beach objects located in the district of Gunung Kidul. Although it is located approximately 40 kilometers from Yogyakarta city beach is able to attract tourists who want to unwind with a sunny and fresh sea breezes. To go to the beach baron we must pass through the capital Gunung Kidul, the City Wonosari. The distance between Wonosari with Baron beach approximately 20 kilometers, with the condition of the paved road, across the hills of limestone known as the thousand mountains. Baron beach is the bay is flanked by a wall of green hills, filled with coconut trees. This bay is also the estuary of the river under the rocks, where the water is clear enough. Baron beach is rather large waves, but visitors can still swim at this beach to the extent permitted, which is marked with a stretch of wire that are spread out over the bay. Baron is also the base of the fishermen, some of whom had equipped the boat with the engine, so it can reach a wider sea. The most frequently visited this beach is primarily because the teens have to pass through the hills that are very popular among youth.

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